Concepts VI: OR-causality - Part 1
OR-causality is an interesting part of specification of circuits, specifically when using Signal Transition Graphs (STGs). We have recently released a translation tool for Concepts (available from, which will take a set of concepts, and produce an STG specification for this. This includes both standard AND-causality, and OR-causality. OR-causality poses a challenge, as with STGs, and in this post we aim to discuss this.
This will be a 2 part series, with several examples to help explain OR-causality in this post, part 1, and an algorithm in part 2 to translate OR-causality concepts to STGs.
OR-causality, an introduction
For this, let’s use four simple examples. Here, we will assume initial states for all signals as 0.
A standard gate used in many applications, an OR-gate, and the associated causality, is important and a good example to use to display OR-causality.
In concepts, an OR-gate is defined as follows:
orGate a b c = [a+, b+] ~|~> c+ <> a- ~> c- <> b- ~> c-
There are some operators to discuss here:
[a+ , b+]
- This is how signal transitions are listed.
- This shows an OR-Causalilty relationship
In words, this is a composition of three concepts. First, either a+
cause c+
. Then, a-
causes c-
, and b-
causes c-
This will mean that, when a+
, b+
or both of these occur, c+
can occur.
But, for c-
to occur, both a-
and b-
must have occurred.
This is the STG produced from translating the OR-gate concept. This looks like
any other STG we have shown on this blog, however notice that there are two
transitions. This is how OR-causality is displayed in STGs. When a+
occurs, one of the c+
transitions can occur. When b+
occurs, the other c+
transition can occur. If both a+
and b+
have occurred, then either of the
transitions can occur. However, both a-
and b-
can occur, then and
only then can c-
Notice, that for the c+
transition, there is OR-causality with a+
or b+
but for the c-
transition, there is AND-causality with a-
and b-
OR-Gate with a single AND-causality
This is an OR-gate with inputs a
and b
, and output c
, with another input
signal d
. d
will form a buffer with c
, including some AND-causality as
well. This way we can show how AND- and OR-Causality interact. In concepts
this is:
circuit = orGate a b c <> buffer d c
And, expanded into signal-level concepts, this is:
circuit = [a+, b+] ~|~> c+ <> a- ~> c- <> b- ~> c- <> d+ ~> c+ <> d- ~> c-
In words, for c+
to occur, d+
must occur, and either b+
or c+
For c-
to occur, all of a-
, b-
and d-
must occur.
So, as a thought experiment, if a+
and b+
have occurred, no c+
transition can occur without d+
having occurred.
The STG after translating the above concept is:
Notice that this looks similar to the previous image, but with an extra
consistency loop for the signal d
. However, notice that d1
, the place
showing when d+
has occured, is connected to both c+
transitions. And
is connected to c-
. This will therefore mean that, regardless of which
of a+
or b+
have occured, c+
cannot occur without d+
3. AND-Gate
Another standard gate. In this case, when thinking of it in terms of
causality, it is the opposite of the OR-gate. i.e. For the c+
there is AND-causality with both the a+
and b+
transition. Yet, with the
transition, there is OR-causality between the a-
and b-
The concepts for this is:
andGate a b c = a+ ~> c+ <> b+ ~> c+ <> [a-, b-] ~|~> c-
This can be described in words as in the previous paragraph.
Let’s translate this to an STG.
Notice that this time, there are two c-
transitions, as this transition is
the OR-causality in an AND-gate. Notice the similarities between this and the
OR-gate STG, just a sort-of mirror image.
AND-Gate and OR-Gate
For this, signals a
and b
are the inputs to an OR-gate, and signals d
and e
are the inputs to an AND-gate. The outputs for both of these gates are
. Synthesizing this would not simply produce an AND and OR gate, but for
this example, it shows how the AND and OR causality can interact in and
interesting way.
This in concepts is:
circuit = orGate a b c <> andGate d e c
If we expand this:
circut = [a+, b+] ~|~> c+ <> a- ~> c- <> b- ~> c- <>
d+ ~> c+ <> e+ ~> c+ <> [d-, e-] ~> c-
In words, this means that for c+
to occur, either a+
or b+
, and
both d+
and c+
must have occured. For c-
to occur, both a-
, and either d-
or e-
must have occured.
This is slightly more confusing than the previous examples, and the resulting STG produced by translating this concept is interesting:
It does look a little confusing, but notice there are two of both c+
and c-
transitions. Their interactions with the other signals determine which of
these are able to transition. Testing this would prove that the concept
description above works.
There is little reuse here. The concepts above feature some reuse of previously discussed concepts, but due to the inclusion of OR-causality, we cannot use any previously included gate- or protocol-concept as they do not feature any OR-causality.
So in this post, we have discussed OR-causality, and some uses of it. Specifically, I have aimed to show how it works on it’s own, and in conjunction with AND-causality.
Feel free to try these concepts out, using the translation tool available from This tool is also integrated into Workcraft, and can be used to automatically produce STGs similar to those displayed above.
Note, that the concepts tool is writtin in Haskell, which doesn’t support
post-fix notation. In these posts, we refer to signal transitions using +
and -
, for example, a+
and a-
. This is for clarity, but for use with the
tool, it is required that you use rise
instead of +
and fall
instead of
in a prefix notation, for example, a+
becomes rise a
, and a-
fall a
Part 2 of this post will include an algorithm, as we have previously discussed how concepts are translated to STGs, but this algorithm will explain how OR-causality is translated, as this is quite specific.