Concepts VII: Interface
In the previous posts from this series, we have discussed the algorithm for translation of concepts, and the concepts that can be included. The last two-part post were a discussion of OR-causality, and the special differences needed to allow for translation of this.
This post discusses the final concept necessary for any form of correct concepts specification. Without this, a specification will work in a few cases, but further changes will need to be made to a translated specification before it can be used in other processes, and as such, we have required this concept for translation to occur. This is interface.
Interface is the description of how the scenario being designed interacts with the outside world. “The outside world” is a big place, and can refer to pretty much anything, but in this case we mean what the signals interact with, be it a user, another scenario, another circuit, or even within this scenario itself. This is done by describing the signal type.
The three types of signal are; Input, Output and Internal. Depending on the type a signal is defined as, it provides us with an understanding of how this scenario or circuit specification interfaces with the outside world:
Input - Signals that cause changes in circuit being specified. These can come from other circuits or scenarios, either specified as concepts or not, user inputs or any source which causes a low-to-high or high-to-low transition in a signal.
Output - Signals which cause changes in outside circuits. Output signals can effectively become input signals to other circuits, used to drive operations in that circuits.
Internal - These are signals which are generated by the circuit being specified, and used by it too, not coming from the outside world, and not being used to drive anything in the outside world. While this doesn’t necessarily mean it is part of an interface, as we describe it as how it interacts with the outside world, internal signals are very important, as we will discuss later.
Let’s discuss the interface concepts, how they work, and some simple examples.
Interface concept
Let’s jump right in and display these concepts:
interface = inputs [a, b] <> outputs [x] <> internals [p, q, r, s]
This single line specifies the signal types of 7 different signals. a
and b
are inputs, x
is a single output, and p
, q
, r
and s
are all internal
signals. This line itself is not likely to be used in a specification, but it
does well to display how the tool deals with the inputs. As long as they are
listed in the forms above, inputs
, outputs
and internals
can specify
the respective types of any number of signals.
And this leads us on to the requirements of the tool. As the type of one signal can change the effect of the circuit being specified, it is important that interfacing is done correctly in the concept specification, and thus, the tool requires that each signal has it’s type declared in order for translation to take place. If a user forgets to specify a signal’s type, it will inform them with a helpful message.
Interface intricacies
initial state concept
allows a user to specify a signals initial state more than once. Providing the
initial state that is being specified is the same every time, it causes no
issue. However, if a signals initial state is specified to be both 0
and 1
then this causes an error in the translation tool, due to an uncertainty as to
what state the signal should be in. An initial state can cause a major
difference in the operation of the circuit depending on which way it is set,
so this throws a handy error message, informing the user of the problem.
Similarly, a concepts specification can allow a signals type to be specified more than once:
interface = inputs [a, b] <> outputs [b, x] <> internals [a, q]
In this example, a
and b
are stated to be inputs. A signal x
is stated
to be an output, as well as the previously used b
. a
is then stated to be
an internal signal again, as well as a new signal, q
Bascically, at this point, a
and b
could be one of two different signal
types. But this will not stop the translation process, providing an error
message. It will still complete, but what interface will these signals belong
To decide this, we have created a hierarchy, consisting of four different states. From lowest to highest:
Unused - This is when a signal has not had it’s type delcared. This is so we know which signals need to have their type declared for an error.
Input - An input is the lowest state of declared signal type. Inputs, while we can specify their behaviour, a circuit will have no direct bearing on them, and so we cannot directly control them, they are simply signals from the environment that we control the reaction to in the circuit.
Output - Outputs are what we are mainly interested in. The output of a circuit causes changes in the environment, so a circuit specification must specify what combination of inputs cause output signals to change. This is why they are higher than an input in this hierarchy.
Internal - Internal signals are similar to outputs, in that the specified circuit reacts to the inputs to produce both internal and output signals. The internal signals can also be used to influence the output signals however. They can be thought of as output signals, but with no output terminals. This makes them more important than both input and output signals.
But what does this mean for the signals a
and b
from the above example?
Well, if a signal is declared as an input, and then later on re-declared as
either an output or an internal, it’s type will change this value. Similarly,
if an output signal is redeclared to be an internal signal, this signal will
now be an internal.
However, if you declare an internal signal, and then re-declare its type to be input or output, it’s type will remain as internal. And similarly to this, declaring an output signal, and re-declaring this as an input will cause it to remain as an internal signal.
So, since a
is declared as an input, and as an internal, it will be
translated as an internal.
is declared as both an input and an output, and as such will be translated
as an output.
So, let’s take a simple example, just to see what happens with translation. We will assume that all signals types are declared. The example we will use is a C-element. Similar to the the post on c-elements the concepts are as follows:
CElement = buffer a c <> buffer b c <> initialState <> interface
This includes an initial state concepts, and the interface concept, but these are yet to be defined. Let’s define them as follows:
initialState = initialise0 [a, b, c]
interface = inputs [a,b] <> outputs [c]
The translated STG will look like this:
This looks the same as the C-element in the dedicated post, with two inputs,
and b
, represented by their signals being coloured red, and a single
output c
, coloured blue.
Now let’s changed the interface concept to see what occurs. Let’s keep all other concepts the same.
interface = inputs [a] <> outputs [b] <> internals [c]
The STG translated from these concepts will look as follows:
has been defined as an input again, and thus it remains blue. b
is now
declared to be an output, and so it is blue. c
is now an internal signal,
which in Workcraft, is represented by the signal being
coloured green.
Now let’s try a slightly more confusing example:
interface = inputs [a, c] <> outputs [a, b] <> internals [b, c]
Each signal in the C-element is declared as two different types. Can you work out what each type will work out as?
Since a
was declared as both an input and an output, the hierarchy states
that it will be an output. b
is declared as an input and an internal, and
thus will be translated as an internal signal. c
is also defined as an
input, and an internal, and thus becomes an internal signal after translation.
Interface is the final part of the tool that is required. This allows a user to choose the type of the signals which are part of their concepts specification.
From here on in, all concept specification posts will include an interface concept, in order to be as close as possible to the true code requirements for the tool.
However, to be more clear in these posts we use +
and -
to represent high
and low transitions respectively, for example a+
and a-
. This cannot be in
the tool however, as it is written in Haskell which does not support postfix
notation. In the tool you must use rise
and fall
, for example rise a
fall a
in order to show high and low signal transitions.
The tool is available stand-alone from, which includes a manual and some examples. It is also available as part of Workcraft (, which automatically produces a visualised STG. Feel free to use the tool in any form with these, and any other examples featured in the blog.
This series will continue with some more interesting, lesser-known circuit types, to attempt to test the limits of concepts.